Search a track from a radio playlist, with score
This connector researches recordings from a "artist name + track name" string, as found in a radio playlist , for example.
It is optimized to work from low quality fields (inversions of name and last name etc ...) with a good response time.
The connector returns a list of recordings with matching scores greater than 60 %.
To reduce number of API requests, it returns for each title :
Recording fields
Name | Description | Facultatively | Type |
id | Unique ID | no | bigint |
title | Title | no | string |
subtitle | Subtitle | no | string |
length | Recording duration | no | time |
isrc | ISRC | no | string |
hit | Is this recording a hit? | no | boolean |
focus | Is this recording recommended? | no | boolean |
parental_advisory | Does this recording contain shocking lyrics? | no | boolean |
recording_place | Recording place | no | string |
production_date | Recording date | no | date |
update_date | Last update | no | date |
creation_date | Creation date | no | date |
score | Searching score | no | float |
Artists fields
Name | Description | Facultatively | Type |
id | Unique ID | no | int |
name | Full name | no | string |
ipi | IPI | no | string |
type | Is it a person or a band ? | no | "band"/"person" |
sex | Sex if a person | yes | "male"/"female" |
role | Role | yes | string |
role_fr | Role (in French) | yes | string |
url | Url to | no | string |
firstname | First name | no | string |
lastname | Last name | no | string |
nickname | Nickname | no | string |
realname | Nom réel de l'artiste | yes | string |
coefficient | Actuality coefficient | no | int |
country | Country | yes | string |
country_fr | Country (in French) | yes | string |
start_decade | Beginning of career decade | yes | int |
end_decade | End of career decade | yes | int |
update_date | Last update date | no | date |
create_date | Database entry date | no | date |
Album fields
Name | Description | Facultatively | Type |
id | Unique ID | no | int |
title | Title | no | string |
url | Music Story url | no | string |
label | Label | no | string |
distributor | Distributor | no | string |
type | Type | no | "Original"/"Live"/"Compilation"/"Karaoke"/"Ring"/"Other" |
format | Format | no | "Album"/"EP"/"Single"/"MCD" |
release_date | Original release date | no | date |
update_date | Last update date | no | date |
creation_date | Database entry date | no | date |
Champs dans la balise picture
Name | Description | Facultatively | Type |
id | Unique ID | no | int |
id | Music Story url of picture | no | string |
Champs dans la balise genre
Name | Description | Facultatively | Type |
id | Unique ID | no | int |
link | Artist link type | no | string |
name | Name | no | string |
Examples using
Below you will find two examples to explain the use of the connector Artist_Title.
Example 1 : Find a correct title
This example with search fields where artist name and track name are correct. Track "Tous les mêmes" and artist Stromae : les memes
Example 2 : Find an approximate track title
Here in search fields track name is not correct. Track "Toutes les mêmes" and artist "Stromae" : les memes
Example 3 : Search for a title with some filters on the album
This example illustrates an artist-title request in the API by filtering on the album type and format : Park&title=Runaway