
Search a track from a radio playlist, with score


This connector researches recordings from a "artist name + track name" string, as found in a radio playlist , for example.
It is optimized to work from low quality fields (inversions of name and last name etc ...) with a good response time.

The connector returns a list of recordings with matching scores greater than 60 %.

To reduce number of API requests, it returns for each title :

This connector is reserved to Pro or Enterprise accounts. Rights are assigned by the support team .

Recording fields

Name Description Facultatively Type
id Unique ID no bigint
title Title no string
subtitle Subtitle no string
length Recording duration no time
isrc ISRC no string
hit Is this recording a hit? no boolean
focus Is this recording recommended? no boolean
parental_advisory Does this recording contain shocking lyrics? no boolean
recording_place Recording place no string
production_date Recording date no date
update_date Last update no date
creation_date Creation date no date
score Searching score no float

Artists fields

Name Description Facultatively Type
id Unique ID no int
name Full name no string
ipi IPI no string
type Is it a person or a band ? no "band"/"person"
sex Sex if a person yes "male"/"female"
role Role yes string
role_fr Role (in French) yes string
url Url to no string
firstname First name no string
lastname Last name no string
nickname Nickname no string
realname Nom réel de l'artiste yes string
coefficient Actuality coefficient no int
country Country yes string
country_fr Country (in French) yes string
start_decade Beginning of career decade yes int
end_decade End of career decade yes int
update_date Last update date no date
create_date Database entry date no date

Album fields

Name Description Facultatively Type
id Unique ID no int
title Title no string
url Music Story url no string
label Label no string
distributor Distributor no string
type Type no "Original"/"Live"/"Compilation"/"Karaoke"/"Ring"/"Other"
format Format no "Album"/"EP"/"Single"/"MCD"
release_date Original release date no date
update_date Last update date no date
creation_date Database entry date no date

Champs dans la balise picture

Name Description Facultatively Type
id Unique ID no int
id Music Story url of picture no string

Champs dans la balise genre

Name Description Facultatively Type
id Unique ID no int
link Artist link type no string
name Name no string

Examples using

Below you will find two examples to explain the use of the connector Artist_Title.

Example 1 : Find a correct title

This example with search fields where artist name and track name are correct. Track "Tous les mêmes" and artist Stromae : les memes

Title of track "tous les mêmes" is returned with a score of "1" (100%)

Example 2 : Find an approximate track title

Here in search fields track name is not correct. Track "Toutes les mêmes" and artist "Stromae" : les memes

Title of track "tous les mêmes" is returned with a score of "0.78" (78%)

Example 3 : Search for a title with some filters on the album

This example illustrates an artist-title request in the API by filtering on the album type and format : Park&title=Runaway

The "Runaway" titles are returned, but only those whose album is of Album format and of type Live.
If no filter parameter is passed all will be returned.
It is possible to pass several values for each parameter, separated by commas :
Format : Album, Single, Ep, MCD
Type : Original, Live, Compil, Karaoke, Ring, Other

music story

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