
An artist, band or person


An artist which has released albums under his own name or simply collaborated with others artists.
It can be a band or a person, based on field "type" :

For both band or person you will find a country which means nationality.
If it is a person, its sex is determined by field "sex" : For persons you will find first name ("firstname"), last name ("lastname"), nickname ("nickname") and role ("role", example : guitarist, singer...).
Decades of beginning and end of career are the years of the decade. Example : from 1970 to 2000.

Example :
Get the artist data of the band C2C (id: 114832)


Name Description Facultatively Type Restriction
id Unique ID no int Unlimited
name Full name no string Unlimited
ipi IPI no string Unlimited
type Is it a person or a band ? no "band"/"person" Unlimited
sex Sex if a person yes "male"/"female" Editorial
main_role Role yes string Editorial
url Url to no string Unlimited
firstname First name no string Unlimited
lastname Last name no string Unlimited
nickname Nickname no string Unlimited
realname Nom réel de l'artiste yes string Editorial
country Country yes string Editorial
start_decade Beginning of career decade yes int Editorial
end_decade End of career decade yes int Editorial
update_date Last update date no date Unlimited
create_date Database entry date no date Unlimited


Name Description Returns
search Searching for an artist A list of Artists
genres Music genres of an artist A list of Genres
artists Associated artists A list of Artists
alias Récupère les alias associés à l'artiste A list of Alias
biographies Biographies of an artist A list of Biographies
news Last news and archived news of an artist A list of News
timeline Last timeline of an artist A list of Timeline
pictures Pictures of an artist. Main picture and others. A list of Pictures
shows Scheduled concerts A list of Shows
releases Releases (EAN/UPCs) of an artist A list of Releases
albums Gathers the albums of the artist A list of Albums
websites Websites of an artist A list of Websites
bandpage Compte Bandpage de l'artiste A list of Bandpage
facebook Facebook account of an artist A list of Facebook
twitter Twitter account of the artist A list of Twitter
youtubechannel Youtube channel of an artist A list of YoutubeChannel
youtube YouTube videos of an artist A list of Youtube
reviews Reviews of an artist's albums A list of Reviews
tracks Tracks and best tracks of an artist A list of Tracks
tracks Tracks and best tracks of an artist A list of Recording
musicbrainz Matched Musicbrainz artists A list of Musicbrainz
deezer Matched Deezer artists A list of Deezer
spotify Matched Spotify artists A list of Spotify
qobuz Matched Qobuz artists A list of Qobuz
amazonmp3 Matched Amazonmp3 artists A list of Amazonmp3
itunes Matched iTunes artists A list of iTunes
sevendigital Matched 7digital artists A list of SevenDigital
amazon Matched Amazon artists A list of Amazon
fnac Matched Fnac artists A list of Fnac
priceminister Matched PriceMinister artists A list of PriceMinister
xboxmusic Connecteur Xboxmusic A list of Xboxmusic

Searching for an artist is possible through all of his fields. Character '%' is accepted for searching strings when there are more than 3 characters

Example :
Search for artistes "band" type


Gathers an artist's music genres. Links between artist and genres can take following values :

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Type of link between artist and genres no 'Main'/'Principal'/'Secondary'/'Influence'/'Must' Unlimited

Example :
Gathers C2C's music genres.


Gathers artists associated to one artist.
Relationship between artists can take following values :


Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Type of link between artists no 'Similar'/'Influence'/'Successor'/'Collaborator'/'Band'/'Member' Unlimited

Example :
Search for the artists associated with Eric Clapton


Aliases associated with the artist.


Name Description Optional Type Restriction
alias Alias no string Unlimited
type Type no 'Name'/'Realname'/'Alias'/'Nickname'/'Translation' Unlimited
lang Lang yes ISO 639-1 Unlimited

These aliases can be :

The API allows you to retrieve aliases of the desired type. If you want "Nickname" aliases, add a "type" filter followed by the value "nickname"..
To retrieve only translation aliases in a given language, it is possible to filter the results using the "lang" filter (ISO 639-1).

Example :
Get the Aliases associated with Puff Daddy


Biographies associated to an artist. Produced by Music Story which owns diffusion rights. Available in long size or short size.
Links between artist and a biographies can take following values :

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Type of link between artist and biographies no 'Main'/'Mentioned' Unlimited

Example :
Obtain the biographies linked to the artist C2C


Gathers an artist's news produced by Music Story (6 news per day) which owns diffusion rights. Links between artist and news can take following values :

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Type of link between artist and news no 'Connected'/'Mentioned' Unlimited

Example :
Gathering news linked to Justin Bieber


Gathers an artist's timeline produced by Music Story which owns diffusion rights. Links between artist and timeline can take following values :

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Type of link between artist and timeline no 'Connected'/'Mentioned' Unlimited

Example :
Gathering news linked to Michael Jackson


Gathers an artist's pictures.
If linked with "main" type, picture is considered as the main picture of the artist.

The API allows to request pictures by size range. If you would like to get pictures between 400px-width and 1500px-width, add a "width" filter followed by the value "from:400:to:1500".

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
main If TRUE, picture is considered as the main picture of the artist no boolean Unlimited

Example :
Search for pictures of George Harrison


Gathers all shows for an artist.
If your objective is to get only scheduled shows, use the "start_date" field to filter the results.

Example :
Search for Bob Dylan's next shows


Gathers all releases (EAN/UPCs) associated to an artist. Links between artist and releases can take following values :

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Type of link between artist and releases no "Main"/"Performer"/"Author"/"Conductor"/"Orchestra"/"Composer" Unlimited

Example :
Get album editions of George Harrison


Gathers all albums (release groups) associated to an artist. Links between artist and albums can take following values :

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Role of the artist in the album no "Main"/"Performer"/"Author"/"Conductor"/"Orchestra"/"Composer" Unlimited

Example :
Get George Harrison's albums


Gets the websites of an artist. A website can be official or unofficial. For more details read the documentation.

Example :
Get all websites of Stromae (ID 115916)


Retrieves Bandpage ID (called Band ID or BID) and official Bandpage link for an artist.

Example :
Get Bandpage ID and page link for the artist Calvin Harris (id: 6098)


Brings forth the artist's official Facebook account . Most relevant if no official account.

Example :
Get the official Facebook page of the artist C2C (id: 114832)


Brings forth the artist's official Twitter account. Most relevant if no official account.

Example :
Get the official Twitter page of the artist C2C (id: 114832)


Gets official YouTube channel of an artist.

Example :
Get the official Youtube channel of the artist C2C


Gathers YouTube videos associated with best tracks of an artist.

Example :
Get the Youtube videos of George Harrison's best songs


Reviews associated with the current artist.
These may be:

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
link Type of link between artist and biographies no 'Main'/'Mentioned' Unlimited

Example :
Search for reviews associated with Rihanna


Gathers all tracks from every tracks linked to an artist. With fields "Hit" and "Focus" allowing a selection of tracks which was in charts or recommanded by Music Story.

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
role Relation between artist and track no string Unlimited

Example :
Get the tracks relating to the artist Ben Webster(id: 878)


Gathers all tracks from every recordings linked to an artist.

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
role Relation between artist and recording no string Unlimited

Example :
Get the recordings relating to the artist Ben Webster(id: 878)


Gathers all lyrics from every album linked to an artist.

Added fields Description Facultatively Type Restriction
role Relation between artist and lyric no string Unlimited

Example :
Get the lyrics relating to the artist Ben Webster(id: 878)


Displays Musicbrainz artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for Musicbrainz artists who match Bob Dylan


Displays Deezer artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for Deezer artists who match David Bowie


Displays Spotify artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for Deezer artists who match David Bowie


Displays Qobuz artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for Qobuz artists who match Bob Dylan


Displays Amazonmp3 artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for Amazonmp3 artists who match Bob Dylan


Displays iTunes artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for iTunes artists who match George Harrison


Displays 7digital artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for 7digital artists who match Chris Hillman


Displays Amazon artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for Amazon artists who match Bob Dylan


Displays Fnac artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for Fnac artists who match Bob Dylan


Displays PriceMinister artists equivalent to the current artist.

Example :
Search for PriceMinister artists who match Bob Dylan


Gets official Soundcloud channel of an artist.

Example :
Get the official Soundcloud channel of the artist Miley Cyrus


Gets official Instagram channel of an artist.

Example :
Get the official Instagram channel of the artist Miley Cyrus


Connecteur Xboxmusic

Example :
[detail exemple]

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